Data Sharing
Data Sharing
Working towards creating a healthy community
As a Coordinated Care Organization our vision is a healthy community for all, we hold data that can be used to both better understand the challenges faced by our members and inform how we help solve them.
We share this data with you — our community — to help advance our goal of creating a healthy community for all. You’ve always worked alongside us and we hope that by sharing this data we can build a culture of transparency which is vital to solving complex issues. We are strongest when we work together and when everyone has a seat at the table.
On this website, you’ll be able to dig deeper into data about our Community Health Improvement Plan, Early Life Health, All: Ready and much more.
Data, Equity, and our Commitment
We acknowledge systems do not meet the needs of many communities, further perpetuating health and educational disparities and inequitable access to necessary services. We are committed to using data to better serve communities. This requires we stratify data by race, ethnicity, language, and disability to identify where systems are failing to serve communities most impacted by health inequities.
While data informs our understanding of how systems meet member and community needs it inherently has limitations. We are committed to being transparent with these limitations while continuing to acknowledge, challenge, and improve how we collect and make meaning of data. We believe our commitment and partnership with communities, will provide a more complete picture to interrupt and shift practices within the health system that continue to make some communities and their needs less visible.
Our Members