CCBF Technical Assistance

CCBF Technical Assistance

Guidance through the application process

Starting March 3 through May 30, 2025, Technical Assistance (TA) will be made available for all interested CCBF applicants. Health Share will be hosting: 

  • Friday, March 21, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM A webinar on to share information to supporting organizations to learn more about this funding opportunity. It will be recorded and posted on this page for any organization who cannot attend.
  • Optional “drop-in” office hours on the dates below to answer questions that organizations may have about CCBF:

Additionally, Health Share is partnering with CSH (Corporation for Supportive Housing) to offer opportunities for organizations to request one-on-one technical assistance based on their specific needs. Common TA topic areas include: 

  • Common policies and procedures needed for delivering HRSN services   
  • Service Budget Tool for estimating costs, predicting cash flow, and braiding funding  
  • Financial Administration for invoicing procedures and service tracking  
  • Compliance and Service Oversightplanning 
  • Closed Loop Referrals and use of community information exchange (CIE) platforms   
  • HRSN documentation best practices  
  • Data Security Practices 
  • Best practices in trauma informed housing and nutrition services  
  • Knowing, understanding and tracking workflow adjustments  

You can register for one-on-one and small group TA via the following calendaring tool: 

Schedule a Time with CSH 

For information about the TA offered by CSH, please review our CSH CCBF TA Flyer. You can also contact Theresa Tanoury at . 


For any other questions about CCBF TA, please email Health Share at .