All:Ready Indicators
All:Ready Indicators
Together for families, from day one.
Let’s stop only asking if our kids are ready for kindergarten and start asking: How are we creating a system that is ready for all our kids?
What does it mean to be All:Ready?
As a Caregiver and Family
Does a family have the capacity and tools to be their child’s first teacher? Do they have the resources and time to share stories or read to their children daily? Are we seeing a reduction in child abuse and neglect? Are we reducing disparities in infant mortality and low birthweight?
As a Community
Are we ensuring that children have access to affordable, safe, and stable housing? Are we investing in resources, programs, and activities that are family-centered, culturally excellent and promote school readiness? What families are severely rent burdened? Are all children accessing well child checks, immunizations and preventive dental visits?
As a Learning Environment
In what ways do we value parents as their child’s first teacher and consider individual differences in language, culture, prior experience, and family educational values, goals, and preferences? Is childcare affordable for all families? What are the disparities in kindergarten attendance? What are the 3rd grade reading and math scores in our region?

All:Ready Indicators
The All:Ready Network decided on a set of initial indicators in the triangle to demonstrate the different sectors that impact a child and families’ early life and health outcomes. Each sector has a role in Kindergarten Readiness. By working together to address these disparities and impacts from day one of a child’s life, we can co-create a new world that is centered on a child’s success.
The charts in our interactive data dashboard linked below show data disaggregated by race and county, helping us see what is improving and what is not—and for whom. When you review and process this data, we encourage you to not simply see it as a graph on the page, but to envision the children in our community whose lived experiences are reflected here.