Innovation at the doctor’s office and beyond
We see our role in Oregon as an important opportunity to deliver on the coordinated care promise: better care, smarter spending, and healthier people. By coordinating care for more than 360,000 Oregon Health Plan members, Health Share has the unique ability to see beyond the symptoms of one individual—and beyond single health systems—to paint an accurate picture of our community’s health.
We collect and analyze health data from across city borders and county lines to unlock insights that pinpoint problems, guide decisions, customize care, and lower costs. As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, we regularly share data on our efforts. Read our reports to find out how we’ve improved care for our members and to discover what’s on the horizon.

Annual Reports
Our annual reports showcase Health Share’s innovative programs, statewide partnerships, and commitment to health equity, transparency, and accountability.
Research + Results
We work with partners to perform research and publish reports about community health and our work to improve health outcomes.
Strategic Framework Assessment
In April 2021, Health Share’s Board adopted a Strategic Roadmap to guide the work of the Health Share Collaborative focused on eliminating health disparities.
The goals focused on three areas of impact: racial equity, early life health, and behavioral health. Across those areas of impact, the Collaborative had two focus areas – Social Determinants of Health and Integration.
The overarching goal within the Social Determinants of Health focus is to ensure that communities have access to essential services that impact health such as housing, education, transportation, and food. When it comes to Integration, our goal is that health systems, public health, and community-based organizations work collaboratively to improve health outcomes by ensuring that members have coordinated primary, specialty, behavioral health, and dental care that is accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate.
The Lookback Report features key accomplishments the Collaborative has made working towards these collective goals over the last year.
Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Health Share’s 2018 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) determined that access to inclusive and accessible physical, behavioral, and oral health continues to be a priority among our members and our community. Access to medical care integrates many factors that are difficult to measure at the system level, including location of services and transportation to those services.
Health Share’s 2018-2020 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) considers our region’s health with the idea that health happens not only at a doctor’s office, but also in our homes and at work, at the dinner table and in the grocery story, among families and friends, at school, the park, and beyond.
2018-2020 Community Health Needs Assessment
2014 Community Health Improvement Plan
Healthy Columbia Willamette Collaborative
Regional Supportive Housing Impact Fund (RSHIF)
The Regional Supportive Housing Impact Fund (RSHIF) was launched in 2020 by a set of partners in health systems, homelessness services, business, and philanthropy. This program responded to the growing need for permanent supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness with serious health care needs in the Portland Metro region. Health Share of Oregon (Health Share), an Oregon Coordinated Care Organization, is now convening RSHIF.
Equitable Evaluation Framework and Governance Recommendations
Quality Pool Fund Distribution Plan
The Quality Pool Distribution Plan began in 2022. It informs Health Share's Participating Providers, including Social Determinants of Health and Equity (SDOH-E) and public health partners, about CCO strategies and processes for distribution of Quality Pool funds.